Ministry Without Hating It

#10: Stewards For a Moment In Time | Pillars For Living Well Learned As A Hospice Chaplain feat. Jim McGuire

November 09, 2022 Chad Garrison & Brenton Hill Season 1 Episode 10

Why do we do what we do? When the challenges of ministry come, and they will, remembering the answer to this question is crucial to being able to walk through the challenges well.

Our guest for this episode is Pastor Jim McGuire, who has served as a Hospice Chaplain for over 22 years. In our discussion Jim shares the "pillars" of living well he has learned that were taught to him by those who were dying. It's a candid and practical conversation on how we can love the ministry we serve by keeping our perspective properly focused. 

Click Here to get Jim's book  referenced in this episode, STAY: Four Pillars for Living Life and Finishing Well

Guest Bio:
Rev. Jim McGuire serves as a hospice chaplain at Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care in Joliet, Illinois. Jim graduated from Mt. Vernon Bible College (Ohio) in 1987 with a B.A. in Theology and from Lincoln Christian University (Illinois) in 1998 with a M.A. in New Testament. During his 22 years of hospice chaplaincy, he has visited and ministered to well over 5,000 individuals who have faced a terminal diagnosis. Through compassionate and competent care, he has helped each individual and their loved ones navigate one of life’s most stressful and emotional experiences. 

In 2019 Jim released his book, STAY: Four Pillars for Living Life and Finishing Well, in which he offers four practical life-lessons we can learn about living as taught by those who are dying. In 2021 he released the same book in the Spanish language under the title, Permanecer: Cuatro Pilares para Vivir la Vida Y Finalizar Bien, with the hope of reaching an often, under-resourced population. As an extension of his chaplaincy work Jim has officiated at hundreds of funeral services always with the goal of providing comfort and hope.

Throughout his 35 years as a licensed and ordained Foursquare minister he has served several congregations in a variety of responsibilities including youth pastor, associate pastor, senior interim, and church planter. Additionally, Jim has previously served as the national Hospice Coordinator for Foursquare Chaplains International (FCI) as well as numerous state and regional ministry assignments. Jim has chaplain ecclesiastical endorsement through FCI. He continues to speak to civic groups and churches.

Feel free to contact Jim as he is a resource of encouragement, education, and support. You can reach Jim at

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